petek, 12. april 2013

My brother has had the most beautiful prom suit!

What is the best about sewing? I can make things I could never found in stores. And if I, by any miracle, find something extra special is usualy way too expencive for me to buy it. 

Last year that time I made one special suit. It was man's suit for my brothers prom. I didn't want him to be just one ordinary guy up there on stage. I wanted him to look something special. And since he is my favorite model to work for, I made special effort to create right suit for him. 

That is my twin brother and I :)

I had no prior knowledge of making man's suits but I did it anyway. We bought comfortable black fabric and smaller piece of gray fabric for some details. I pick beige cotton for his shirt (because his dancer allready bought beige dress and I wanted them to coordinate). I picked nice striped fabric and some petrol blue fabric for details on his shirt. I worked out even the buttons :)
Take a look:

My brother realy was something special on his prom dance. And I made a blue belt for the girl too. They were very coordinated with his dancer. And most important of all, my brother was very pleased with his suit, which made me very proud! :)

9 komentarjev:

  1. Aaaa Matejček :D

    Ja, super si mu tole sešila, noro hudo! :)

  2. ful dobr pa punca ma ful lepo oblekco :) smem vprašat na katero šolo hodi? ni ravno pogosto, da je maturantski ples v unionu :D ko sem ga mela jaz, se spomnim, da smo bili edini "čudsaki", ki smo ga meli tam :D

  3. hvala :) tudi meni je bila njena obleka všeč, pa še dobro postavo ima tako da je res zgledala super! To je maturantski ples Gimnazije Želimlje, jih je ponavadi 2-3 razredje na letnik tako da je dvorana Union dovolj velika. Meni je žal da smo bili na gospodarskem raztavišču, osebno mi je ta dvorana dosti lepša in svečana, samo bolj mala je :S

  4. Omg, to je čisto prehudo. Ful mi je všeč :)

    Deja Zu

    1. Hvala! Res je lepo take komentarje prebrat :)))

  5. :) preko Mance sem zašla na tvoj blog in se spet spomnla našga maturanca in ja, Matej je mel čudovito obleko! In spomnem se, kok ponosno je o njej razlagal že velik pred dnevom D! :)

  6. You're a sweet sister. From the type of clothing that you used to the very least detail of the suit, I know you have taken this project seriously. Your brother certainly stood out from the crowd because of his unique suit. Wearing something customized is indeed special.

    Exclusive Men's Wear
